Sunday, 25 January 2009

Well that's about it...

We then travelled back to Buenos Aires, and spent 2 days getting ready for our return. We met with Evangelina Suarez who works at the Bishop's office and put together so many of the details for our visit. Thank-you!

We also picked up a few things to bring back with us like some Yerba Mate which is a traditional drink in Argentina for more info visit

We also picked up some Dulce de Leche which is a sweet spread that we had in so many sweet treats.

All of these things we'll share with people across Cumbria District as we invite churches in the district to think about our developing youth link!

The trip was a great experience and the blog doesn't finish here, in fact in many ways it is the starting point. We now look to the future thinking about how we develop the link even further...a possible future visit by young people and also how to get people from across both regions to get involved.

We will also add some more reflections on the visit as there are key themes that we can think about in the future.

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